Sunday, 21 April 2013

TEED - Prehistory

Friend Recommendation:

This week's post cheats slightly, in that it isn't an album.

Instead I recommend two EPs, Prehistory I & II, by Orlando Higginbottom who performs under the moniker Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs.

Despite highly anticipating his debut, we found Trouble somewhat lacking. I think these EPs along with one or two additional songs – in particular 'Tapes & Money' - would have produced a much better album.

I would urge anyone to see TEED live, as he gives an excellent live performance. And he has dancing dinosaurs on stage with him.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Daughter - If You Leave

Recommended by Bex:

If you are not familiar with Elena Tonra, Igor Haefeli and Remi Aguilella, collectively known as Daughter, I encourage you remedy that today.

I admire every artist on the 4AD label. Out of the many great bands signed, I would cite Cocteau Twins as the most prolific and ethereal. When I saw them, Elena reminded me of a more articulate Elizabeth Fraser (not that I don't love her made-up words).

They performed in March at a small concert in Rise Records, whose mailing list I highly recommend. The band then took the time to meet fans and sign items. Increasingly acclaimed and thoughtful trio.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Little Dragon - Little Dragon

Recommended by Bex:

This is one of my all-time favourite releases. It also verifies something I refer to as debut theory, where the first album is usually the best.

I heard 'Twice' for the first time in my car and ordered the album the next day. I had the pleasure of meeting the band at a gig in March 2009. They were very friendly, signed a flyer for the event, and seemed flattered to have a fanbase.

Monday, 1 April 2013


Friend Recommendation:

SBTRKT (pronounced 'subtract') is the project of DJ Aaron Jerome. The name refers to Jerome's desire to remove himself from the process and let the music do the talking.

Having released singles and EPs since 2009, collaborating with the likes of Sampha and Jessie Ware (who I saw perform live in March), this is his first full length album with this project.